VOTING STARTS TODAY! Owners should receive at least one email from Vote HOA Now today. Unit Owners in all Wards will receive an email to vote for the At-Large Candidate (from Unit Owners in Wards 3 and 4 will receive an...
Election Procedures
The election for the Board of Directors will be conducted online through our vendor, Vote HOA Now. On March 24, 2023, you will receive an email invitation from Vote HOA Now that voting has started. Unit Owners in all wards will receive an email to vote for the...
Meet the Candidates Event
The Meet the Candidates event will take place on March 22 at 7 pm. It is also a hybrid event. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the Candidates for the Board of Directors. Join by Zoom: Time: Mar 22, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting:...
Budget Hearing & Parking Policy Town Hall Presentations and Videos
2023-Budget-Hearing-Slides-UpdatedDownload Parking Policy Townhall Slides-UpdatedDownload Parking Town Hall Presentation: Budget Hearing Presentation:
Parkfairfax 2.2.2023 Weekly Announcement
Budget Hearing/Parking Policy Town Hall The Board of Directors will hold a Budget Hearing and Parking Policy Town Hall on February 8, 2023, at 7:00 pm to further discuss this year’s draft budget and discuss possible changes to the Parking Policy. The Board will take...
January 2023 Newsletter
Gutter Cleaning Notice 2022
Recent Theft of Car Airbags and Catalytic Converters
Dear Community Members of Parkfairfax, Please be advised that there has been an increase in airbag thefts over the last couple of months—mainly targeting Honda and Acura models of cars. Airbag thefts have occurred in the early morning hours and can be executed...
Hurricane Preparation
In preparation for this weekend’s heavy rain forecast, Parkfairfax staff are placing sandbags on all critical areas that have been identified as potential for flooding, in addition to doing remedial trenching. We are also inspecting our storm drains throughout the...
Special Board Meeting – May 11th
The Board of Directors will be holding a Special Board meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. This meeting is an annual orientation for Board members which will be held in Executive Session. Before going into executive session, a resident forum will be...