Weekend Weather Alert
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  7. Weekend Weather Alert

We are expected to receive a dose of heavy rain beginning Friday and ending by mid-day Saturday.  Association staff will be walking the grounds all day tomorrow to police drains and catch basins by removing any leaves or other debris that will impede drainage.  Now with leaves beginning to fall, we want to remind owners and residents to be sure their patio drains are clear and to please report any other clogged locations direct to the main office at 703.998.6315, so they can be addressed quickly and prevent possible damages. If you come across any flooding after hours, please call the emergency number at 866.370.2977.  Since June the Association expended over $88k repairing, adding or replacing over 2000 linear feet of storm drain lines in several areas alleviating many longstanding issues.  We will be restoring areas where the excavation took place over the next few weeks (weather permitting).

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