Parkfairfax Weekly Update 5.31.19
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  7. Parkfairfax Weekly Update 5.31.19
  • Barkan Update:  Issues regarding direct debiting and online payments.  As a reminder, you were informed in both the newsletter and the correspondence from Barkan about the transition. If you had set up a direct debit (ACH) with the Association through KPA, there will be no further debits as of June 1st, 2019.  Should you wish to have the Association and Barkan auto debit your bank account for your condo assessment you should follow the instructions that were included in the recent coupon book mailing, a copy of which is attached. If you set up a direct debit (ACH) through your bank or any other 3rd party service, then you must actively reach out to that service and cancel the old debit. If you would like you may set up a new debit with that service using the Barkan information through the website:

For any all inquiries please reach out to: Mark Miller, General Manager: or Dana Cross, Covenants Director:

  • Gardens in the Park: The Landscape Committee again is holding the annual event beginning tomorrow with Spring Clean Up Day.  Other event continue throughout the week ending next Saturday June the 8th with the annual plant sale from 8am to 12noon at the Valley Drive parking lot.
  • TLUC Committee Meeting: DASH BUS MTG.  Monday June the 3rd,  at 7pm, main office 1st floor party room,  3360 Gunston Road.
  • Pet Reminders: Parkfairfax’ s Pet policy can be found on our website under the governing documents tab, PR #7.  We can’t stress enough the importance of owners and residents following these guidelines.  Dogs must remain on leash with no exceptions. This includes visiting dogs as well. This is not only Parkfairfax policy but City of Alexandria ordinance. 
  • Summer Work Cycle: Notices to all affected buildings have been delivered.
    • Palmer Brothers has begun both painting and trim repairs in Ward 2. This work will continue until September.
    • Dynasty Community Service will begin upper trim and gable replacements in the 300’s beginning next week.
    • Envirotex will begin crawlspace remediation in the 300’s next week.
  • Grass Cutting Cycle: CLS completed all sections this week. Please note that there are still several smaller areas not mowed due to recent seeding. They will begin to cut those in the next few weeks once the grass is established.  Cutting service include edging, sidewalk weeds and bed maintenance, all of which are continuous throughout out the cutting season.
  • Pruning:  CLS performed pruning in several areas this week and will begin again on Monday. Remember any shrubs in a “yellow” staked area will not be touched.
  • Leaf Mulch:  We have received all our deliveries. PKFX will again provide bags/buckets at the yard. Pleased return them for re-use.
  • Sound Walls Update: TransUrban and VDot have begun the wall section F1, the ramp onto 395. However, work has not yet progressed to our property area behind the 400’s on Martha Custis.  Section F2, on the ramp down to the circle behind building 315 down to 303 will be next. Based on correspondence with VDot this week, that process is still several months away and will most likely begin in the fall of 2019.
  • Tennis Court and Pool Lighting: In our effort to go “green” we have completed a lighting survey to convert both the pool areas pole lights (low kelvin and color) and tennis courts pole lights to LED’s. Not only will this provide a more uniform light but save both energy (71% reduction) and maintenance dollars with a very quick payback of less than 30 months.  The Board reviewed the proposals at the May 15th meeting and will be making a decision to convert POOL A first at the June 19th meeting. Information was posted to the website under Board Meeting, May 2019 tab 10.

Please remember to alert us to any issues you may see or are concerned about.

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