Community Townhall
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The Board of Directors will hold a Community Townhall on September 2, at 7pm which will be held virtually for all owners to participate in to get feedback on our search for a new General Manager.  We are soliciting feedback of all owners at this event on the characteristics, skills, and areas of professional strength that the community feels should help drive the decision.  The Board has decided that it will again directly hire a General Manager and is currently soliciting proposals from search firms to provide professional assistance in finding and securing the level of talent we need to run our large and complicated property.  Those proposals will be submitted to the Board by September 1st, and then the Board will be calling a special meeting to select a firm and provide them direction on candidate qualifications based upon the Board’s perspective and feedback we get at the Townhall so the search can begin quickly for candidates.  In the interim, Dana Cross is serving as Acting General Manager and will oversee the day to day running of the property.

Topic: Townhall Meeting

Time: September 2, 2021, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Board Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 3678 2815

Passcode: 389608

Dial-in: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free

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