Committee Chair: Vacant
Board Liaison: Mike Rothenberg –
The primary responsibility of the Community Outreach Committee is to advise the Board of Directors, in a reasonable and productive manner, on issues affecting communications, technology, and website governance. In accomplishing this goal, the Board of Directors shall assign the committee with tasks from time to time that may include, but not be limited to:
- Providing specifications and proposals for services related to Association communication needs such as newsletters, web site, welcome packages, information signs, surveys Association marketing materials, etc.
- Policies relating to Association communication vehicles such as editorial policies, advertising policies, etc.
- Provide advice and assistance to the Newsletter Editor concerning Newsletter content, design, size, production, frequency, distribution, etc.
- Provide advice and assistance to the Webmaster regarding the web site, including design and content of the website.
- Distribution of information pertaining to city, state or regional issues impacting Parkfairfax development of positive communications/relationships with city, state and regional agencies and officials.
- In conjunction with the Association’s managing agent, coordinating the periodic preparation and distribution of a community directory.
- In conjunction with the Association’s managing agent, coordinating the preparation and dissemination of communications for community events, such as Annual Meetings, committee meeting schedules, etc.
- Provide recommendations to the Association’s managing agent for expenses in the Committee’s area of jurisdiction to be considered for inclusion in the Association’s annual operating budget.
The committee will also monitor, review, and make recommendations on technology matters, in or in the vicinity of Parkfairfax, including (but not limited to) the following exemplars:
- Science technologies (e.g. environmental technologies, transportation technologies, health technologies, HVAC technologies, and many others).
- Information technologies (e.g. computing technologies, telecommunications technologies, GPS technologies, and many others).
- Any other technologies or related areas of interest that the Board of Directors may approve (upon request of the committee) or assign.
The committee also seeks to perform effective website governance. Governance processes will be defined, and adjusted, to be as efficient and light-weight as possible. Key examples of responsibilities regarding website governance are as follows:
- Ensure that Parkfairfax website administrators (management staff) regularly communicate with other Website Governance Group members about site issues which administrators have.
- Periodically inspect website content for accuracy, currency, and appropriateness.
- Manage design changes (where “design” is any non-trivial change to the website) or other unanticipated change requests that appear useful, as enhancements.
- Consider change requests for the website.
- Consider previously planned or anticipated website enhancements.
- Identify new website enhancements.
- Consider non-trivial website bugs (instances of the website not meeting its requirements) or bug fixes that expose larger issues within the site.
- Identify whether or not a change must involve a vendor (normally, a company that Parkfairfax has previously contracted with for site maintenance, hosting, or other services).
- If the Website Governance Group believes a desirable change can be accomplished by Parkfairfax website administrators, it will work with them to ensure that requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment of the changes are handled effectively.
- If the Website Governance Group believes a desirable change must involve a vendor, it will:
- Clearly communicate requirements for the change to the vendor.
- Get a related estimate for the change from the vendor.
- Present this estimate to the Board for approval if the group recommends doing the work.
- Follow through with the vendor as necessary to ensure the change meets its requirements and is smoothly deployed to our website