Committee Chair: Vacant
Board Liaison – Mike Rothenberg –
The primary responsibility of the Building & Utilities Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors by performing reviews and studies of those things related to the maintenance and integrity of the buildings: reviewing utility consumption and delivery: reviewing the provision of services by or on behalf of the Association: refining budgetary procedures and recommending cost efficient methods of usage and services. At the direction of the Board of Directors, the committee may review and make recommendations on the following specific areas under these terms:
- Buildings: general maintenance including painting, pointing-up of brickwork, roof, attic and crawlspace common areas, woodwork, porch/stoop; drainage around buildings and general storm drainage systems.
- Utilities: efficiency and delivery of underground electric, TV cable or telephone conduits; underground gas or water piping; sewage systems; above ground transformers and meters; electric, gas or water usage.
- Other: parking; safety and security and such other projects as the Board of Directors may approve (upon request of the committee) or assign.
- Settlement Buildings – SRG Report
- Laundry Room Closures
- Building Watch Instructions
- Building Watch Maintenance Program Form
- Community Map
- Tips for Kitchen Renovations
- Tips for Bathroom Renovations