Announcement: Parkfairfax News Flash
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  7. Announcement: Parkfairfax News Flash

•             Board Vacancy: Recently you may have received a notice that there was a Board vacancy, but this notice was in error.  An At Large Board Member was in the process of selling their unit, but at the same time purchased another unit in Parkfairfax.  According to VA Condominium Law this means no vacancy on the Board has been created and the Director continues to serve their term.


If you read below is states that glass should be disposed in the trash, meaning it can again be mixed into your daily household trash which is picked up by Capitol Services.

The city of Alexandria link:

•             Glass Recycling: Effective immediately glass is no longer accepted as a recycling item.  The counties have announced that all glass should now be disposed of in the trash containers.  More information can be found on the city and county websites.  We know this will take some time for the word to get out, but we wanted to make sure that residents are aware and to please pass this on to your neighbors. All recycling signs on the dumpsters will be replaced over the next couple of weeks. Alexandria has put a few purple dumpsters in some recycling centers where residents can bring glass only.  They are testing this out and trying to see if they can use it for sand or gravel.  Just an option if a resident wants to bring their glass to the site.  Thank you for your help with spreading the word out and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

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