Weekly Management Update 5.24.19
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  7. Weekly Management Update 5.24.19

Parkfairfax Weekly Update 5.24.19

  • POOL OPENINGS:  All 3 of Parkfairfax pools will be opening for the season tomorrow the 25th. Pool A, 1117 Martha Custis Drive opens at 9:00am.  Pool B, 3715 Lyon Lane opens at 11:00am and Pool C, 3314 Coryell Lane opens at 12:00pm.  We ask that you please review our pool polices which were in last month’s newsletter and will be posted again be in the June Newsletter on page 7.
  • Barkan Update: Unit owners should have received their individual coupon books. In the mailed package was both an instruction sheet and an update from Parkfairfax regarding the slight increase in monthly fees. This was due to a rounding error and the increase was between .03 to .09 monthly.  We have fielded several calls form owners who have not received their books and a few regarding errors.  Please remember to update the office if are now renting the unit and have an offsite address or have returned to live onsite.  For any all inquiries please reach out to: Mark Miller, General Manager: mmiller@parkfairfax.org or Dana Cross, Covenants Director: dcross@parkfairfax.org
  • Attic inspections have been completed:   We have begun the process of repairing noted items found during the inspections.   As we stated previously, work is prioritized as follows: Electrical, squirrels, leaks, mold, asbestos, structural (web boards & roof decking).  Parkfairfax will replace missing junction box covers and any wiring that shows rodent damages. However, a reminder that if anything electrical outside of these parameters is related to unit owner installed items, i.e., lighting or exhaust fans, owners will need to remedy those at their expense and provide documentation that the repairs have been made. Unit owners that require any of the above will be contacted prior for access or responsibility before any work begins.
  • Erosion Issues and enhancement work: In several areas work hads been delayed as new drain needed to be installed. Both CLS and Parkfairfax Staff will be completing and then beginning several projects through June.?
  • Grass Cutting Cycle: CLS completed all sections this week and please note that many areas due to new grass were not mowed. They will begin to cut those in the next cycle. Cutting service include edging, sidewalk weeds and bed maintenance, all of which are continuous throughout out the cutting season.
  • Storm Clean up: Both CLS and PKFX staff began to pick up debris this morning from the quick heavy storm that blew through yesterday. If you see any limbs that have come down or looked damaged, please contact the office or enter a task in Buildium.
  • Pruning:  There has already been some early pruning and the full first cycle will begin after Memorial Day.
  • Leaf Mulch:  We have received all our deliveries. PKFX will again provide bags/buckets at the yard. Pleased return them for re-use.
  • Sound Walls Update: TransUrban and VDot have begun the wall section F1, the ramp onto 395. However, work has not yet progressed to our property area behind the 400’s on Martha Custis.  Section F2, on the ramp down to the circle behind building 315 down to 303 will be next, but at present we have not received any new information as to when that part will kick off. We will keep everyone informed.
  • Tennis Court and Pool Lighting: In our effort to go “green” we have completed a lighting survey to convert both the pool areas pole lights (low kelvin and color) and tennis courts pole lights to LED’s. Not only will this provide a more uniform light but save both energy (71% reduction) and maintenance dollars with a very quick payback of less than 30 months.  The Board reviewed the proposals at the May 15th meeting and will be making a decision at the June 19th meeting. Information was posted to the website under Board Meeting, May 2019 tab 10.
  • Patio areas: Although CLS have provided some leaf and clean up services to these areas, patio upkeep is unit owner responsibility. We have noted many patio areas in need of TLC.  We are seeing broken, split and faded wood decks, loose, uneven, missing and improperly pitched patios.  Not only does this take away from our curb appeal but it can cause drainage issues as well. Please refer to AR #2, Section IV for patio design guidelines, specifications and upkeep. And please remember when doing any yard clean up, do not dump any debris in either common element areas or our woodlands.  Either bundle or bag and place out by the curb and alert the office or take it down to the open top dumpster (next to the yellow wood chipper) in the yard.

Please remember to alert us to any issues you may see or are concerned about.

Have a Safe and Enjoyable Memorial Day

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